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1,458 Palestinian Residents of Yarmouk Camp Killed in Syrian Warfare

Published : 29-07-2020

1,458 Palestinian Residents of Yarmouk Camp Killed in Syrian Warfare

1,458 Palestinians sheltered in Yarmouk camp were killed in the raging Syrian warfare, 496 among whom died in unabated shelling on the camp while the blockade and medical neglect took away the lives of 208 Palestinian refugees.

237 refugees were, meanwhile, fatally gunned down while 168 Palestinians were killed by sniper bullets. 215 others were tortured to death at the same time as 33 Palestinians were extra-judicially executed.

Israeli bullet fire killed 11 refugees while 11 others were kidnapped and killed. 17 Palestinians died as a result of car-bomb blasts and 14 others were assassinated in the camp. 11 more refugees drowned at sea and five died of health setbacks rocking their vulnerable bodies.

According to AGPS, five Palestinians breathed their last on the migration road to Europe. Other refugees died of reasons varying between building collapse, suffocation, burning, cold-weapon assaults, and car ramming.


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1,458 Palestinians sheltered in Yarmouk camp were killed in the raging Syrian warfare, 496 among whom died in unabated shelling on the camp while the blockade and medical neglect took away the lives of 208 Palestinian refugees.

237 refugees were, meanwhile, fatally gunned down while 168 Palestinians were killed by sniper bullets. 215 others were tortured to death at the same time as 33 Palestinians were extra-judicially executed.

Israeli bullet fire killed 11 refugees while 11 others were kidnapped and killed. 17 Palestinians died as a result of car-bomb blasts and 14 others were assassinated in the camp. 11 more refugees drowned at sea and five died of health setbacks rocking their vulnerable bodies.

According to AGPS, five Palestinians breathed their last on the migration road to Europe. Other refugees died of reasons varying between building collapse, suffocation, burning, cold-weapon assaults, and car ramming.


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